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"Truth For Daily Living"
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Arik and Nailah Chappell
(Premarital Guidance Counseling)
We heard about D&C Marriage Enrichment through marriage counseling our church was offering with the Bakers. Our experience was very warm, open, and refreshing. It wasn’t like sessions you may hear about from other premarital reviews that make you second guess attending or even trying at all. D&C Marriage Enrichment helped us with transparency and understanding through their biblically based approach. They even brought our son into a session or two to be a part of the premarital process. Some of the most memorable moments of our sessions was discussing the type of traditions we wanted to begin as a family; where we see ourselves many years from now; and getting personal & tailored feedback from our son about his experience and perspective on our union. D&C Marriage Enrichment was able to see from all perspectives!
Devaron and Sharmaine Davis
(Marriage Guidance Counseling)
I heard of D&C Marriage Enrichment through word of mouth at The Life Center.
Our marital counseling experience has been excellent! We are free to share without any biases towards a particular person or feeling judged. The Bakers are helping us get to/thru the root of our issues. And the prayers they pray over us have been so powerful and helpful. Ultimately helping my spouse and I strengthen our relationship.
We need to pray together consistently as a couple. Its a must in a marriage.
When communicating sometimes we need to repeat what we hear our partner saying to make sure we are really understanding what each person is saying. I believe they called it mirroring.
Living in unforgiveness leads to an unhappy marriage because we're living in the past. Forgiveness is a MUST and necessary in a marriage.