How Are You Managing During The Quarantine?
We are now in the month of May 2020. We have been quarantined since March 16th. It has been a journey, but we are grateful. Thinking about what so many individuals have faced and are facing can get a bit overwhelming. To manage without fear, we have decided to focus on ideas and dreams that can potentially push us toward apprehending a great future outlook. We have chosen not to succumb to the difficulties of the present season, but are hopeful and prayerful that things are somehow getting better. This train of thought keeps us moving, which enables us to grow and flourish during this quarantine season? Being grateful is one of our main stances. We refuse to become victims. We encourage you to consider:
Being grateful everyday
Pray daily
Create and decree positive mantras
Continue calling those you know and encourage them.
Say hello to others when you do go out.
We believe as we all focus on embracing the basic foundations of humanity (kindness, compassion, non-discrimination, consideration) we can evolve from this quarantine as better human beings.
Team Baker