Ending 2020 With Purpose
We entered a new year and a new decade on January 1, 2020. This year has been a time of extreme emotion, anxiety, and uncertainty for many individuals across the nation and the world. This will be a year that no one will ever forget. Specifically, this year has impacted many families and marriages. Couples with children have had to turn their home environment into an office space and a classroom. This created a time where families were required to constantly be together. This can be viewed as a great scenario or for some a time of stress. In particular, married couples were forced to spend time with their spouse under the constraint of the unknown. This type of pressure could cause anyone to deviate or push to the side one of the most important accomplishments in life which is operating in purpose. We here at D&C Marriage Enrichment want to let you know we are here to assist you as married couples to continue moving in purpose. We want to help contribute to the narrative of positivity by encouraging you to identify your purpose for your marriage and for life. We can assist by providing guidance sessions which are geared toward helping you to enrich your marriage and map out your purpose. We also offer products that we believe can help to refresh you and your spouse not only in the last three months of this year, but into 2021 and beyond. Therefore, we encourage you to reach out to us by going to our website at www.enrichmymarriage.com. Let us help you not only end this 2020 year on purpose, but plan for fulfilling future with your spouse.
Darryl and Charlotte Baker
D&C Marriage Enrichment, Inc.